Apologies For The Long Wait But Here’s What’s Been Going On

4 min readOct 11, 2018


Since our last update in August, our team has been super busy on a lot of things. And this means a lot of exciting news for us to share with you!

ICOpicker progress update October 2018

Remember when we told you in our last progress update that we have been doing testing of the pooling service we’re offering? Well, let me tell you guys that it was a smashing success in terms of the transactions that have been processed. In a very short period of time during testing, we have sent upwards to USD 100,000 all in all. We are genuinely humbled and ecstatic with this incredible turn of events.

Of course, the ride was not all smooth sailing. There were some rough patches here and there. But with a lot of determined minds and some useful customer feedback, we were able to push through and improve. This entire journey is all about giving our community a fantastic ICO investment platform, and we had to make what we feel they deserve, and that is the best.

So, what have we been up to? Well, here are just a few of them:

Increased hashrate for faster transactions!

We optimized one of our platform’s core functionalities, which is, sending transactions through our smart contract. We are in the process of increasing the hashrate to guarantee lower transaction fees. We also have up the ante, by ensuring smooth and faster transaction speed.

ICOpicker establishing secured mining farm with +300 mining Riggs

And we are just going to keep going on!

We are deep into achieving our goal of high hash rates! We are currently in the process of establishing our secured mining farm containing hundreds of mining riggs. We are so excited to finally get to the alpha testing so we can update you with the results that we have achieved. You will surely enjoy the lower transaction fees once we are fully done with this. Now onto the next part of our exciting updates!

Maximizing the potential of the platform through a highly optimized UI

We always want you guys to be on the loop, so we have reworked or UI and UX to show the maximum performance and set of features that we offer. We believe that it is crucial that user see the latest available pools when we finally start our pooling services. All of this will be available right on the homepage for more ease and convenience.

And just so you know that we love to listen to you guys, we heard you loud and clear that you want to be on the loop with the latest crypto-news and developments. This means that we will be putting a section just for that on the homepage.

We also know that users would like to track all of their investments through our platform. And we thought that was a great idea! So we are currently hard on work on that. Hopefully, we can have this wrapped up neatly by the end of October on the ICOpicker.io platform.

We will be giving you guys a sneak preview of the new UI by next week so watch out for that!

Ready for some News and Insights?

We are happy to announce that we are preparing our News & Articles section. So do check this out as we are planning to launch this before the end of October in our platform. Right now, we are assembling a team of contributors. We want to provide you guys with the latest in crypto, high quality unbiased reviews on blockchain ideas, ICO review, and much much more!

By the way, if you are a crypto-writer and are interested in writing for our community then just send us an email at team@icopicker.io.

First Tolar token distribution through a community member in our sub-pool

You know that getting in on the ICO private sale of crowdfunding is not that easy. It is either you are very lucky to be offered an allocation, or you have the right connections. Fortunately for us, one of our members was provided the opportunity to invest.

What is even more exciting is that this particular member was more than happy to share the opportunity. We decided to create a sub-pool in our platform for the interested community members, and we are delighted to announce that the investment was successful.

The Tolar tokens were distributed to the contributors last week, and we are eager to get more opportunities like this one from the community.

That’s all for now! Don’t forget to follow us here at Medium and stay tuned for more exciting updates soon!

PS. for the ones that haven't seen our video presentation yet




Groundbreaking mechanism that will redefine the ICO private sale/pooling investment processes